The HR Audit

An HR tool built to serve small businesses. We identify the strengths and weaknesses of your HR, and then we develop an HR strategy that will make your employees happy.


Cindi Filer explains the HR Audit process, and how HR can help your small business thrive.


What People Are Saying About Our HR Audit:


Frequently Asked Questions:

  • The cost of an HR Audit is $2,400 to $4,000 depending on the amount of employees you have and how many locations you have in other states because of complexity. If you want a quote, fill out the form below.

  • The HR Audit is a tool designed for small businesses in any industry to identify the strengths and weaknesses in your HR function. Compliance and People Strategy are often overlooked in smaller organizations. Once strengths and weaknesses are identified, we work with you to develop an HR plan and strategy going forward.

  • The HR Audit is performed by HR Director-level professionals with small business experience. The HR Audit was created by Karen Moss and Cindi Filer, who have served small businesses in the area of HR for over 30 years each.


Want a quote? Fill out the info below.

The HR Audit Team