
How to Get the Onboarding Process Right the First Time - Part 4 of 5

How to Get the Onboarding Process Right - Part 4 of 5

Onboarding seems straightforward to most small businesses. So you might be asking yourself the question: "Why is Cindi Filer spending so much time trying to perfect our onboarding processes?"

This statistic should help answer that question:

  • 91% of new hires will determine if they want to start/stay based on how they are onboarded.

You want to get this right... Trust me!! So we will continue from our last onboarding principles:

ONBOARDING PRINCIPLE #2 – Tell Your Company Story

New employees want to know why you do what you do. So spend some time telling them the company story and answering questions like these:

  1. Why and when did the company start?

  2. Who started the organization?

  3. What is the “heart” behind the company?

  4. Is there any special history that the business is proud of?

This could be done in a few ways:

  • “Hype style” video

  • In a meeting with the CEO presenting to group

  • A one-on-one lunch with a leader.

ONBOARDING PRINCIPLE #3 – Get New Team Members Excited to Work at the Company

The new hire will be excited about being at your company if you (as their leader) are excited.  That’s it.

Your energy level and excitement for the company (or your lack of it) will show through clearly. Make sure you bring that energy in their first weeks (hopefully forever). Remember, excited engaged employee are more productive so it is beneficial for you to put in the effort and energy!!

ONBOARDING PRINCIPLE #4 – Train New Employees Well and Quickly

Training is important – systematic training. The “follow me and just do what I do” is not the best training approach. Before you hire someone, make sure that you are ready to train well.  Have manuals, videos, or team members ready with instruction that is clear and well done.  New employees that get poor training typically fail.

A couple more important stats that you should be aware of:

  1. 59% of employees report no workplace training! (WOW.)

  2. 70% of employees believe they lack the skills needed to do their job.

So, if you train well – you have a huge leg up on your competition for talent!

Our HR Audit

We have an HR Audit, where we discuss your onboarding process in depth and make suggestions that fit your company. We also will evaluate the other 13 areas of HR and give our recommendations. HR Audit Info